The Shroud Of Turin


Before you decide to believe what you've heard, it's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to hear the actual facts first.  
Read - learn - and keep an open mind.

Here are THE FACTS about The Shroud Of Turin.

The chart below presents information garnered directly from the official scientific findings of the STURP team.  These are scientific facts which have been confirmed, tested, and peer-reviewed.


What The Shroud Of Turin Research Project
Learned About The Shroud Of Turin

"For over forty years now, I have seen otherwise "educated" prople virtually twist themselves into mental pretzels to avoid the logical conclusions that are presented when all of the facts concerning the Shroud are known.  At times the self-deception is unbelievable.  So let us first review the FACTS as they are known."

- Dr. Kenneth E. Stevenson
   Original participating member of the
   Shroud Of Turin Research Project (STURP)


The Shroud Of Turin is the actual burial garment of a man crucified exactly like Jesus Christ.


1.) The image is superficial

2.) The image is photographically negative

3.) The image is encoded with 3-Dimensional information

4.) The image is composed of degraded / dehydrated cellulous fibers

5.) The image is non-directional

6.) The image is extremely detailed to a degree which permitted scientists to perform a virtual autopsy

7.) The image is thermally stable

8.) The image is chemically stable

9.) The image is water stable

10.) The image is infrared positive

11.) The image is sepia toned

12.) The blood found on The Shroud Of Turin was physically on that burial garment

13.) The blood is human blood

14.) A color spectrum silimar to that of a scorch is evident

15.) Even with the technology of the 21st century, the image has never - NEVER - been successfully duplicated

16.) The image on the Shroud Of Turin contains ABSOLUTELY NO PIGMENTS, POWDERS, OR DYES

17.) The image on The Shroud Of Turin is scripturally accurate and is in complete accordance
       with the specifics provided throughout multiple chapters and verses within the bible.

The Shroud Of Turin Research Project (STURP)

Comparison of Image-Formation Theories
With Actual Image Characteristics

The biggest question surrounding the clear and extremely detailed image on The Shroud Of Turin is "How was the image created?"

Using a full suite of cutting-edge technologies (including visible and ultraviolet spectroscopy, X-ray radiography, thermography, X-ray fluorescence, chemical analysis, infrared spectroscopy and scientific photography), the STURP team of top-flight scientists and engineers was able to compare several image-formation theories with the actual characteristics and properties of the image.

THEY CONCLUSIVELY DETERMINED THE IMAGE WAS NOT CREATED BY PAINTING, DYES, VAPORS, OR OTHER MAN-MADE MECHANISMS.  The scientists' findings are already well-established, tested, and peer-reviewed.


 * Paint, Dye
   or Powder
 * Direct Contact  * Vapor  * Direct Contact
   and Vapor
 * Unknown
   Energy Source
  Direct Contact
  + Unknown Variable


Superficial No No No No Yes Possible
Detailed No No No Possible Possible No
Thermally Stable No Possible No Possible Yes Yes
Pigment No Possible Yes Yes Yes Yes
3-D No No No No Yes Possible**
Negative Yes Possible Possible Possible Yes Yes
Directionless Possible Possible Yes Yes Yes Yes
Chemically Stable Possible Possible No No Yes Possible
Water Stable Possible Possible No No Yes Yes
UV Image
Fluorescence - - - - No No

*    Discounted by Scientists

**  Disagreement among Scientists

The Shroud Of Turin Research Project (STURP)


"We can conclude for now that the Shroud image is that of a real human form of a scourged, crucified man.  It is not the product of an artist.  The bloodstains are composed of hemoglobin and also give a positive test for serum albumin."

- Summary of Official Statement
  issued by The Shroud Of Turin Research Project (STURP)