The Shroud Of Turin

The Shroud Of Turin

Scientists and people of faith have been trying to solve the mystery of the burial shroud bearing the image of a man crucified EXACTLY like Jesus of Nazareth for years.

When the findings of a group of world-class scientists, engineers, and chemists coincides with well-known historical facts and biblical information, the evidence is beyond overwhelming...

Exactly What IS The Shroud Of Turin?

The Shroud Of Turin is an ancient linen cloth imprinted with the detailed image of a dead man's body and marked with bloodstains.  The man appears to be a Jew crucified by Romans in the first century A.D.  Is this man Jesus of Nazareth?  Is the Shroud Of Turin his actual burial garment?  Is the image on the Shroud an image of his crucified body?

It seems fantastic that the answers to these questions could be yes.  Today, many top-level scientists are convinced the Shroud is genuine.  For people throughout the world - be they Christians, Jews, Muslims, Agnostics - these scientific findings have staggering implications.

The Shroud Of Turin Research Project (STURP)

In 1978, the Shroud Of Turin Research Project (STURP) was formed.  The team consisted of 40 top-level American scientists from such world renowned organizations as the United States Air Force Academy, the U.S. Air Force Weapons Laboratory, the Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and many others (CLICK HERE to see the team).  They were granted unfettered access to The Shroud Of Turin for five days and made an unprecedented scientific analysis of the Shroud, examining the cloth with the most sensitive and sophisticated analytical equipment.  Their findings were based purely and solely upon the scientific facts garnered from this research.  The results were surprisingly definitive.

Scientists have concluded that no one could have painted the image on the Shroud.  The image has physical, chemical, and optical proerties that cannot be created artificailly.  A medieval forger could not have created it, because the image of the dead man reveals details of human anatomy that were unknown before the nineteenth century.  New Testament scholarship provides evidence of another type: A careful study of the biblical gospels reveals that the crucifixion and burial of Jesus exactly parallels the crucifixion and burial of the man of the Shroud.

Today, many top-level scientists are convinced the Shroud is absolutely genuine.  We invite you to carefully analyze the evidence and the actual scientific findings, and decide for yourself.  All we ask is that you keep an open mind, and think for yourself.  If you review the scientific facts provided throughout this website (courtesy of the official STURP team findings), study the correlating historical records and consider the biblical accounts, you will find the scientific, historical, and biblical facts are all in complete agreement.

Science, History, and the Bible Agree

What Do Science And History Say? 

A single eyewitness can share the facts about an event they observed.

But if there are THREE EYEWITNESSES to the same event - and the facts which each of them observed are all in alignment - doesn't that make the evidence more irrefutable?

That is exactly the situation we have with The Shroud Of Turin.  The scientific facts reported by a team of top-level scientists are perfectly aligned with both recorded historical information and the specifics detailed within the bible itself.

Take a look at the scientific findings and the historical records shared on these pages.  It's amazing to see just how closely they correlate with each other, as well as with the specifics recorded within the bible itself!

What Do The Doubters Say?

Fool  \fül\   (noun)  1.) a person who makes decisions before considering and analyzing facts, or one who discards known facts which disprove their opinion.    

IMPORTANT - notice a "fool" is NOT defined as a person who does not share the opinion of another.  No well-reasoned opinion based upon factual information is foolish.

Just keep an open mind - study the science, study the history, and study the facts before you form an opinion.  Fair enough?

But beware - there are so-called "experts" who have already formed an opinion before they have considered any of the scientific data.  Worse yet, some will give you "facts" which they already know have been proven to be scientifically and historically untrue!  Here are a few examples...

What Does The Bible Say?

The bible was written thousands of years ago, by about 35 different writers, who were all writing at different times, across a period of thousands of years, and all that writing happened thousands of years ago.

Whew!  It takes a mouthful of words just to describe how it was written!

So ask yourself this question:   If the bible is not true, how could it be written thousands of years ago, and finished about two thousand years ago (before a lot of "history" actually happened) and still be in agreement with that history?

Or if the bible isn't true, how could anything written that long ago be proven by (and in agreement with) today's science... which didn't exist when the bible was written?

The bible talks in great detail about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  The details in the bible are a perfect match with what Science and History say about The Shroud Of Turin.

Now It's Your Turn.
What Do YOU Say?

The Shroud Of Turin is the actual burial garment of Jesus of Nazareth.  The image of his crucified body is clearly visible, detailed enough for a virtual autopsy, superficial, non-pigment based (no pigments, powders, or dyes), encoded with three-dimensional information, photographically negative, composed of degraded/dehydrated cellulous fibers, non-directional, chemically stable, thermally stable, and water stable.

But why would God preserve this cloth and provide us with such an amazing piece of evidence of the death and resurrection of Jesus?  Simple - He wanted you to see it.  Even hundreds of years after the resurrection of Jesus, He wanted you to see with your own eyes just how much Jesus suffered for you, and that He clearly died.  The image on the Shroud Of Turin serves as proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

You are going to leave this earth one day.  But where will you spend the rest of eternity - in heaven, or suffering in hell?  That's completely up to you.  You see, the whole reason Jesus died for you was to pay for your sins.  But you have to ACCEPT what Jesus did for you.  You have to ACCEPT Jesus Christ as your savior.  And that's SOOO EASY TO DO!  In the New Living Translation version of the bible, Romans 10:9-10 says:

9If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  10For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.

If you would like to be made right with God and accept Jesus Christ as your savior, all you have to do is pray the following prayer out loud and mean it in your heart:

Dear Lord, I know I am a sinner.  I choose to turn away from my sins, and I ask you to forgive me.  I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and rose from the dead.  Jesus, I trust you as my Lord and Savior.  Guide my life and help me to live your way.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

If you prayed that prayer and meant it in your heart, all we can say is... Welcome to the family!  

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